Hitch – 2005

But always remember…

Life is not the amount of breaths you take.

It’s the moments that take your breath away.

+ You know what it’s like

Getting up every morning feeling hopeless?

Feeling like the love of your life

Is waking up with the wrong man?

But at the same time,

Hoping that she still finds happiness…

Even if it’s never gonna be with you?

– You are flat-out…

Out of your mind. You know that?

Never lie, steal, cheat, or drink.

But if you must lie,

Lie in the arms of the one you love.

If you must steal,

Steal away from bad company.

If you must cheat, cheat death.

And if you must drink…

Drink in the moments

That take your breath away.

+ What if fine isn’t good enough?

What if I want extraordinary?

– No such thing.

+ But I’m right here, and our time is right now.

– Well, what about before?

+ I am a guy. Since when

do we get anything right the first time?

– I’m a realist,

and I know what love does to people.

+ No, you don’t.

Because that’s what people do.

They leap and hope to God they can fly.

Because otherwise…

we just drop like a rock…

wondering the whole way down:

“Why in the hell did I jump?”

این نقطه ها و علامت سؤال ها اصرار خاصی داشتن که برن جای نادرستی وایسن، به درستیه خودتون ببخشین

ضمنن از جناب گنده بابت فیلم قرض دادنش تشکر میکنم. ممنون میباشم!

این پست دارای 7 نظر است

  1. حیاط خلوت

    قشنگ بود ..
    پارت اول اول، یه مدتی تو اسمسا زیاد رد و بدل می‌شد منم خیلی دوسش داشتم …

    و ایضاً اینجا رو
    And if you must drink…

    Drink in the moments

    That take your breath away

  2. آزاده

    :) خواهش می کنم. خوشحالم که خوشت اومد.

  3. Matin Kh

    اینها همه شون رو یه جا گفته یا از جاهای مختلف فیلم برداشته شدن؟

    1. امین

      نه، توی کل فیلم و جاهای مختلف

  4. مريم

    آدما همیشه تو خواب قشنگن… بخصوص بچه ها

  5. webdesign

    Ernest Hemingway~ Theres absolutely nothing noble in being superior for your fellow men. Accurate the aristocracy is being superior to your former self.

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